We are part of various international projects that aim to excel in entrepreneurship teaching, research, and industry collaboration. Through these projects, we are well connected to university and industry partners across Europe who share our passion for fostering an entrepreneurial mindset and understanding entrepreneurial dynamics in the creative fields.
Our key projects with an entrepreneurial focus include the following:
Current Projects
As part of FilmEU Plus (the European Universities Alliance for Film and Media Arts) we promote high-level education, innovation and research activities in the multidisciplinary field of Film and Media Arts.
FilmEU is a unique European Alliance for Film and Media Arts, bringing together eight partners in a transformative initiative for arts and culture education. Through the European Universities programme, the EU fosters connections across institutions and countries.
European Education and Culture Executive Agency, Call: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-EUR-UNIV | Project: 101124314
The WIRE FilmEU project focuses on capacity building and knowledge exchange across the FilmEU Alliance.
European Research Executive Agency|Horizon Europe Programme HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-03 | Project: 101136627
CresCine aims to boost the competitiveness and cultural diversity of the European film industry by engaging with, empowering, and transforming Europe’s small markets. Through original research, CresCine will pilot its findings in Estonia, Lithuania, Denmark, Ireland, Belgium (Flanders), Croatia, and Portugal.
Official title: CresCine – Increasing the international competitiveness of the film industry in small European markets.
European Research Executive Agency | HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01 | Project number: 101094988
The ArtR project examines “artrepreneurs” and how they balance artistic freedom with market demands. Through case studies in Sweden, Finland, Estonia, and Lithuania, it explores challenges to sustainability, collective strategies, and the impact of cultural policies on artistic freedom.
Official title: Artrepreneneurs on the Edge Between Artistic Autonomy and Marketization: Organizing Creative Practice in the Baltic Sea Region (ArtR).
Östersjöstiftelsen, The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies | Project: 23-PR1-0030
Past Projects
ScreenME stands for screen media entrepreneurship. The ScreenME-Net was an international network of universities across Europe that aimed to improve research into and teaching of entrepreneurship for the screen media industry.
Official title: Twinning for Sustainable and Visible Excellence in Screen Media Entrepreneurship Scholarship (ScreenME-NET), 01/01/2021-31/12/2023
European Research Executive Agency (REA) | H2020-WIDESPREAD-2020-5 | Project: 952156
FilmEU_RIT as part of the FilmEU cosmos was dedicated to promoting high-level education, innovation and research activities in the field of Media Arts.
FILMEU_RIT – Research | Innovation | Transformation ( 01/09/2021 – 31/08/2024)
H2020-IBA-SwafS-Support-2-2020 | Project : 101035820
C-Accelerate aimed to boost innovation and entrepreneurial capacity in higher education within the arts and creative practices.
Official title: C-Accelerate – Accelerating the role of Creative Communities through the Exploration of Entrepreneurial Education and Radical creativity within European Education
EIT-HEI Initiative: Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education